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Power of Attorney Fee Quote


Thank you for your interest in using the services of our law firm to prepare a power of attorney. Our fee for preparing a basic power of attorney, without added complications, is $245.00 plus H.S.T. If the document has already been prepared and you simply need it witnessed and notarized the charge is $75.00 plus H.S.T.

Kindly note that while some countries can accept a notarized power of attorney from Canada without any further certification others may require that further to the notarization, the document be authenticated by the Canadian Ministry of official Documents, Official Document Services (“ODS”) located at 222 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON, Canada M7A 0B6 (Tel: 416 325 8416). You may have to attend ODS to secure a letter for a fee to authenticate our signature and seal as the notary public. This information can be found at:

If you need a power of attorney to be prepared, we will require the following information from you:

Information from each Donor /Grantor of the Power of Attorney: Please provide us with the names and date of birth of the person/s issuing the power of attorney. We will require two pieces of valid IDs for each person, a photo ID being mandatory. Health cards are not acceptable. We also recommend copy of IDs of the person/s who will be appointed as Donee/s to ensure we have the correct name/s on the document to be prepared.

The following additional information will be required:

1. Will the power of attorney be for a specific use for will it be general? If the use will be specific, can you describe what the Grantor/Donor wishes to achieve by granting the power of attorney?

2. Will the power of attorney to be used in only a specific country or jurisdiction or there is no such limitation?

3. Will the power of attorney to be unlimited in powers but limited in time (e.g. the power of attorney expires 2 years from the date of execution)?
4. Does the Grantor wish the power of attorney to be unlimited in time, space and powers - which means there is absolutely nil restriction on what the appointed person can do can do?

5. Does the Grantor require that the power of attorney only come into effect upon the Grantor becoming mentally incompetent? If yes, should such incompetence be determined by a doctor and confirmed in a letter before the power of attorney can be used?

6. Does the Grantor wish that the recipient of the power of attorney be able to transfer property or assets owned by the Grantor into the Grantee’s name?

POA for property purchase/sale/management: For limited use powers of attorney, where the power of attorney is limited to management, purchase, sale, leasing or other rights regarding a real estate property, a copy of the deed containing the legal and municipal description is recommended to ensure we have the correct information.

POA for bank accounts: Where the power of attorney is to be used in connection with the operation of a bank account, the account number and the bank branch information is mandatory.

POA for Litigation: Where the power of attorney is to be used in connection with a court case/litigation matter, the court file number (if available) is helpful.

Caution: Please note that there is always a risk that when a power of attorney is being granted, that it can be misused. We recommend that the Grantor only appoints those person/s who can be trusted. A power of attorney is easy to grant but often prove difficult to revoke. The Grantor/s will be required to execute an acknowledgement and release in favor of our law firm at the time of execution of the power of attorney to confirm that the risks of granting a power of attorney have been explained to the Grantor/s and that the risks have been understood and assumed knowingly. Please tread prudently.

Please note that a power of attorney can only be used by the person/s appointed if the Grantor is alive. If the Grantor passes away, the power of attorney ceases to have effect. The Grantor’s wish and desires can only be carried out in the form of a Last Will and Testament.

If you need to find more about Will preparation, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

We hope the above has been helpful. Thank you for your interest in using the services of NLCI Your Real Estate Lawyer Professional Corporation. We look forward to being of service. Should you have any queries or concerns whatsoever, feel free to reach out to us at

416-292- 4667 or by email at



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